View Javadoc
1   package org.riverock.dbrevision.manager;
3   import org.riverock.dbrevision.Constants;
4   import org.riverock.dbrevision.utils.DbUtils;
5   import org.riverock.dbrevision.annotation.schema.db.Patch;
6   import org.riverock.dbrevision.db.Database;
7   import org.riverock.dbrevision.exception.ConfigFileNotFoundException;
8   import org.riverock.dbrevision.exception.CurrentVersionCodeNotFoundException;
9   import org.riverock.dbrevision.exception.DbRevisionPathNotFoundException;
10  import org.riverock.dbrevision.exception.ModuleNotConfiguredException;
11  import org.riverock.dbrevision.exception.DbRevisionException;
12  import org.riverock.dbrevision.manager.config.ConfigParserFactory;
13  import org.riverock.dbrevision.manager.dao.ManagerDaoFactory;
15  import;
16  import;
17  import;
18  import;
19  import java.util.ArrayList;
20  import java.util.List;
22  import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
23  import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
25  /**
26   * User: SergeMaslyukov
27   * Date: 28.07.2007
28   * Time: 20:01:14
29   */
30  public class DbRevisionManager {
31      private final static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DbRevisionManager.class);
33      private File path=null;
35      private File configFile=null;
37      private List<Module> modules = new ArrayList<Module>();
39      private Database database;
41      public DbRevisionManager(Database database, String dbRevisionPath) {
42          if (database ==null) {
43              throw new IllegalArgumentException("Database is null");
44          }
45          if (dbRevisionPath==null) {
46              throw new IllegalArgumentException("dbRevisionPath is null");
47          }
48          this.database = database;
49          this.path = new File(dbRevisionPath);
50          if (!path.exists()) {
51              throw new DbRevisionPathNotFoundException("DbRevision path not found: " + path.getAbsolutePath());
52          }
53          this.configFile = new File(path, Constants.CONFIG_FILE_NAME);
54          if (!configFile.exists()) {
55              throw new ConfigFileNotFoundException("Config file not found: " + configFile.getAbsolutePath() );
56          }
57          processConfigFile();
58          prepareCurrentVersions();
59      }
61      protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
62          destroy();
63          super.finalize();
64      }
66      public void destroy() {
68          if (modules!=null) {
69              for (Module module : modules) {
70                  module.destroy();
71              }
72              modules.clear();
73              modules=null;
74          }
75          if (database!=null) {
76              if (database.getConnection()!=null) {
77                  DbUtils.close(database.getConnection());
78                  database.setConnection(null);
79              }
80              this.database=null;
81          }
82      }
84      /**
85       * get module by name
86       *
87       * @param name module name
88       * @return module
89       */
90      public Module getModule(String name) {
91          for (Module module : modules) {
92              if (module.getName().equals(name)) {
93                  return module;
94              }
95          }
96          return null;
97      }
99      /**
100      * is all moudles completed?
101      *
102      * @return module
103      */
104     public boolean isAllCompleted() {
105         for (Module module : modules) {
106             if (!module.isComplete()) {
107                 return false;
108             }
109         }
110         return true;
111     }
113     private void processConfigFile() {
114         Config config;
115         FileInputStream inputStream=null;
116         try {
117             inputStream = new FileInputStream(configFile);
118             config = ConfigParserFactory.getConfigParser().parse(inputStream);
119         }
120         catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
121             throw new ConfigFileNotFoundException(e);
122         }
123         finally {
124             if (inputStream!=null) {
125                 try {
126                     inputStream.close();
127                 }
128                 catch (IOException e1) {
129                     log.error("Error close input stream", e1);
130                 }
131             }
132         }
133         for (ModuleConfig moduleConfig : config.getModuleConfigs()) {
134             modules.add( new Module(database, path, moduleConfig) );
135         }
136     }
138     public List<Module> getModules() {
139         return modules;
140     }
142     private void prepareCurrentVersions() {
143         List<RevisionBean> revisionBeans = ManagerDaoFactory.getManagerDao().getRevisions(database);
144         for (RevisionBean revisionBean : revisionBeans) {
145             Module module = getModule(revisionBean.getModuleName());
146             if (module!=null) {
147                 markCurrentVersion(module, revisionBean);
148             }
149             else {
150                 throw new ModuleNotConfiguredException("Module '"+ revisionBean.getModuleName()+"' not configured.");
151             }
152         }
153     }
155     private void markCurrentVersion(Module module, RevisionBean revisionBean) {
156         Version prevVersion = null;
157         for (Version version : module.getVersions()) {
158             version.setPreviousVersion(prevVersion);
159             if (prevVersion!=null) {
160                 prevVersion.setNextVersion(version);
161             }
162             prevVersion = version;
163         }
165         boolean isFound = false;
166         for (Version version : module.getVersions()) {
167             if (version.getVersionName().equals(revisionBean.getCurrentVerson())) {
168                 markAllCompleteProccesedVesion(version, revisionBean);
169                 isFound = true;
170                 break;
171             }
172         }
173         if (!isFound) {
174             throw new CurrentVersionCodeNotFoundException(
175                     "Current version '"+revisionBean.getCurrentVerson()+"' not exist in configuration for module '"+revisionBean.getModuleName()+"'. " +
176                             "Check '<db-revision-path>/config.xml' file."
177             );
178         }
179         Version v = module.getLastVersion();
180         if (v==null || v.isComplete()) {
181             module.setComplete(true);
182         }
183     }
185     private void markAllCompleteProccesedVesion(Version version, RevisionBean revisionBean) {
186         Version v;
187         if (version.getPatches().isEmpty()) {
188             if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(revisionBean.getLastPatch())) {
189                 throw new DbRevisionException("Invalid value of lastPatch in database. Module: " + revisionBean.getModuleName()+", version: " + revisionBean.getCurrentVerson());
190             }
191             v = version;  
192         }
193         else if (StringUtils.isBlank(revisionBean.getLastPatch())) {
194             v = version;    
195         }
196         else {
197             if (version.getPatches().get(version.getPatches().size()-1).getName().equals(revisionBean.getLastPatch())) {
198                 v = version;
199             }
200             else {
201                 v = version.getPreviousVersion();
202                 List<Patch> completed = new ArrayList<Patch>();
203                 boolean isFound = false;
204                 for (Patch patch : version.getPatches()) {
205                     if (patch.getName().equals(revisionBean.getLastPatch())) {
206                         completed.add(patch);
207                         isFound = true;
208                         break;
209                     }
210                     completed.add(patch);
211                 }
213                 if (isFound) {
214                     for (Patch patch : completed) {
215                         patch.setProcessed(true);
216                     }
217                 }
218                 else {
219                     throw new DbRevisionException("Value of lastPatch in database not equals to last value in config. Module: " + revisionBean.getModuleName()+", version: " + revisionBean.getCurrentVerson());
220                 }
221             }
222         }
224         while (v!=null) {
225             v.setComplete(true);
226             v = v.getPreviousVersion();
227         }
228     }
229 }